Hi there! It’s me, Daniel. I hope you’re having a great day… but if there’s been some bumps in the road or wonky vibes you’ve had to deal with, this message is for you.
Ever feel like life’s just serving up lemons… and forgot the lemonade recipe? That’s where resilience comes in. It’s not just about weathering the storm; it’s about learning how to dance in the rain (and maybe even jumping in a few puddles along the way). Resilience is our secret superpower – it helps us recover from setbacks both big and small with a stronger, clearer outlook.
Sometimes we need to be reminded of the resilience that we’re not only capable of, but what we’re naturally built with. Today, that’s what I’m here for.
built-in power
While resilience doesn’t always feel like a default setting in our human machines, it is definitely a built-in feature – we’re all naturals at it! We simply need to acknowledge it as often as possible to strengthen it. With the daily challenges of the world, big or small, we are building our strength to deal with any and all things that come our way.
Newsflash, it’s not easy being human. We experience physical pain, emotional pain, spiritual uncertainty, fear, fatigue, sadness, grief and other unfantastic feelings. But we also get to experience love, laughter, joy, happiness, curiosity, creativity, passion, excitement, and many more things that feel awesome!
So whether your world is shifting due to a change in relationships, living circumstances, financial uncertainty, spiritual dark night of the soul, or a broken leg – rest assured that you will make it through. How do I know? Because you always do. We always do!
Growth ain’t always a good time. In fact, rarely are we presented with challenging situations that are also enjoyable. Nevertheless, life keeps coming at us at random speeds and intervals. We must give ourselves the grace to stumble through it while remembering we’re designed to thrive in this life of uncertainty. It’s up to us to give ourselves the space to rest, recover and recharge so we can keep moving forward.
One thing we always need to remember is this: if you woke up today, you’re supposed to be here. Regardless of the challenges or circumstances, I truly believe that if you’re experiencing it, it’s because you can handle it. And, at the risk of sounding dramatic, it’s not done cause you’re not dead.
This isn’t me jumping into your day with simple “hang in there”… this is me giving you a big hug and a loving slapping in the face screaming “Don’t you ever f!@#in’ forget how far you’ve come and how strong you are!”
rising strong
A couple years ago when we first opened, a woman come into the studio who had tragically lost her husband very suddenly – we’ll call her Emma. Emma wasn’t sleeping, she was emotionally drained, and yet somehow she was getting through the days putting one foot in front of the other.
When she arrived I started telling her about the studio and – I’ll never forget this – she leaned forward on the desk with tears building in her eyes and said “please just tell me what to do”. My heart broke for her and I so badly wanted to make her feel lighter in some small way.
I instinctively put her in a NuCalm session where she finally got some restorative rest for the first time in a long time. She loved it and came back the next day, then the next… shortly after she became a member and came for a NuCalm 3-4 times a week. She kept going for walks, kept NuCalming, kept taking care of herself.
Now, NuCalm isn’t just for sleep and stress; it helps you to process energy while giving your mind and body a much needed break. It’s amazing.
Despite the deep grief and sleepless nights, Emma bounced back and the transformation we saw in this amazing woman was incredible. Week after week she got lighter and brighter and you could see her coming back to herself. After a few months, we started to see Emma less. She would come in every now and then about a year later we saw on Instagram that she’d gotten remarried! We couldn’t have been more thrilled that she was so happily in love!
Now, obviously, we can’t take credit for Emma’s resilience – that was all her. We were simply one of the outlets she used for self care to ensure that she could continue her life even though it had changed drastically.
All this to say, Emma is one of many examples of people at the studio who are resilience personified. And we’re all capable of that! Sometimes it’s easier said than done, but it makes sense: if you take the time to tap into your strength, you get stronger.
designed to thrive
Even though it doesn’t always feel like it, we’re built strong – designed for resilience in mind, body and spirit.
The human body is resilient; we we see this when we scratch ourselves and our skin magically heals, or when we exercise our muscles and they get stronger.
The human mind is resilient; we can improve our knowledge, find new ways of thinking, and harness our innate ability to shift perspectives and find the growth and expansion in everything we experience.
The human spirit is resilient; there’s so much crazy $#!% happening on this planet in our personal lives and the collective consciousness and yet we are still capable of joy, love, laughter and compassion.
Whether life’s handing you lemons or a winning lottery ticket, there’s always going to be things that push you to your edges. Notice with appreciation how far you’ve come so far and let that guide you through your current situation.
At Vortex, we try to make it easier to enjoy the process. The more you take time to check in with yourself and recharge your battery, the more likely you are to have the power to bounce back quicker. Sometimes all you need is a brief retreat to remind yourself that you’re strong enough to deal with anything that comes your way.
No matter how it feels sometimes – you’re doing great! You’re nailing it! And you look great while doing it ;)
Keep up the good work!