Happy New Year! It’s Daniel here, ready to bring the good vibes into 2025. It’s the time of year when many of us are reflecting on changes we’d like to make in our lives, and all the amazing things and experiences we want to create and attract.
As we launch dreams, goals or intentions into the world, sometimes it’s tricky to trust and have faith in their impending manifestations.
That’s why I think one of the coolest hacks to fine-tuning your ability to attract change is to hitch your manifestation energy to physical change. What do I mean by that? Change your body, change your life.
Here, let me explain…
flexing your manifesting muscles
That doesn’t mean you need a certain body fat percentage to live your dreams, it simply means that when you put consistent time and energy (aka self-love) into your physical being, and then watch as positive physical changes occur, you get to take responsibility for the transformation and apply that same energy to everything else in your life.
If you’re trying to align with a new career path, you may not see or feel the Universe conspiring to bring that career into your life. On the flip side, if you’re working to get bigger, smaller, stronger, leaner – whatever your physical goal – you’re going to feel a host of feelings like soreness, fatigue, adrenaline, etc. which act as physical sensations that indicate a measurable change.
How awesome is it to look into the mirror and say “Hey, you! Look what we did together! Way to go!” As we begin to see and feel the positive change in our bodies we can start to better understand the correlation between setting an intention and how inspired action leads to manifestation.
the control center
Exercising your body as a means of seeing real transformation in your physical world is not just a great tool for making manifestation an actionable and tangible experience; as you strengthen your connection with your body and begin to feel better, you start vibing higher and gain the ability to attract from a more magnetic state.
Here’s the thing: we are the one thing that we can control. Yes, we all have our challenges and limitations in certain aspects, but ultimately, we’re in charge. We can’t always control that job or money or partner or experience that we’re wanting to attract, but we can always maintain control over the input and output of our human machine.
Sometimes what makes it feel like we’re not in control is our limiting belief patterns and tired stories that we repeat over and over. This is only a win for the version of ourselves that plays small, because it makes us feel like we’re powerless, which takes the edge off in terms of accountability. Not ideal.
Is it a challenge to get in better shape? Of course. It’s also a challenge to ignore your body’s desire to move and be healthy in its most optimal state.
We are designed to move. Movement grounds us, fuels us, and lets our mind and body know that we’re on board with strengthening our physical and mental health – which, if you think about it, is the most important thing we can do. Consider our bodies: they work automatically and constantly in a concerted effort to keep all systems operational. The least we can do is maintain a consistent effort to help out.
Again, it’s not about your shape or your size or what you look like, it’s how much attention your vessel receives. If you don’t use it, you’re gonna lose it.
energy in motion
Your body and, more specifically, your physical fitness can act like a barometer of how you’re doing inside. If we’re holding on to something inside, it’s not uncommon to hold on to something outside, too.
That’s why movement is so damn important! Emotion is energy in motion. We have to move energy – the good and the bad – otherwise our bodies will store all that $#!% up.
In a Universe where we create based on the frequency we’re tuned in to, it makes perfect sense to take the appropriate action to strengthen the vessel that is experiencing this one wild life we’re given. It not only helps you process stuck energy, it shows your body appreciation and gratitude, which are way up there on the high-vibe, high-frequency scale. Being strong in your body allows you to be strong in life.
And let’s be clear, it doesn’t f$#@in’ matter what you look like. All of our bodies are different, but all of our bodies deserve to operate at the maximum level of health possible for each individual.
If you’re already in a good routine with fitness, I urge you to take an intention that’s important to you, and attach it to your physical practice. That way when you have 1 more rep in your workout, 1 more mile in your run, 1 more dance in your dance class, you can harness the mental and emotional energy of your energetic intention with physical attention. This helps to put an actionable feeling into your otherwise invisible manifestation.
The physical change that comes with exercise shows you what’s possible when you put your attention, energy and patience into an intention; you experience the results – you get to see AND feel the difference – and feeling is the name of the game when we are trying to attract something in our lives.
If we can feel better more often, our lives can become magical playgrounds where all kinds of fun $#!% shows up just because we’re working consistently towards becoming an even better version of ourselves.
So let’s get out there, use and love our bodies, move some energy around, and flex our manifestation muscles.
And when those mental and physical muscles need some recovery, you know where to find us!