Exploring and igniting inspiration

Sometimes it's hiding in the most unlikely places.

How’s it going, you lovely human? I don’t know about you, but while the summer shifts from a boil to a simmer, I’m hanging on for dear life. Even though we’re seconds away from the inevitable explosion of autumnal commercialism, I’m simply not ready to see Halloween decorations on sale yet.

This week, I was searching for inspiration on what to write about. I keep a list of topics and rough ideas that I jump into when the moment strikes, but nothing was really turning my crank so I went for a walk to my pooch and started thinking about inspiration itself and that got me into a nice lil’ flow – so that’s what we’re going to dive into today!

Sometimes, when you can’t find inspiration within, you have to open your eyes and mind a little wider and go on a little adventure to rediscover it. So, buckle up and let’s explore how to invite a little more inspiration into our everyday lives.

light it up

I don’t know about you, but for me, inspiration is the precursor to motivation. If I don’t have a fire (or even a spark) in my mind, heart, or under my ass – then my creative energy just can’t seem to flow. Sometimes we get stuck in a self-sabotage spiral, or we’re just plain tired from juggling all the things. And that’s okay.

Inspiration often strikes when we witness someone living a life that excites us, even if we’re not sure why. Maybe it’s a lifestyle, a way of being, or simply a moment that lights you up. Here’s the twist: When something or someone inspires you, it’s not just a sign that you admire them. It’s a major nudge from the Universe saying, “Hey! You’ve got a piece of this magic inside you too!”

So, next time you’re inspired, take a moment to reflect on what exactly it is that’s lighting you up. Could it be something you’re meant to explore? The fact that you’re even inspired means there’s something in that moment meant for you.

The fun and interesting part is, sometimes inspiration doesn’t actually look that inspiring…

inverted inspiration

I love the idea of unconventional inspiration. Sure, we all get those warm fuzzies when we see someone crushing their goals, but sometimes inspiration comes from… shall we say “less desirable” aspects of people’s lives.

Sometimes you can get what I am now calling “inverted inspiration”. Now, I don’t want to come across like an @$$hole here, but I think this is a real thing! Let me explain.

This past weekend I attended my family reunion. Firstly, my family is amazing and full of great characters. For most of my life, I’ve noticed that my dad and uncles have always sported a well-earned beer gut. I always remember thinking that, while it’s a cool party trick to successfully balance a wine bottle on your stomach, I didn’t want to have that kind of heft in my midsection. With that observation, I was inspired to be conscious of my diet and exercise so a similar transformation wouldn’t occur in my life.

I realized this weekend how much these gentlemen inspired me to do my best to stay fit. Since a “six pack” was a more appealing option than “beer keg” for me, I am approaching 40 in pretty much the best shape of my life. I am grateful that this inverted inspiration led me to taking my fitness goals seriously.

And there’s the thing: it’s not about judgment, but about recognizing what you don’t want for yourself. Sometimes, it’s the things we’re avoiding that inspire us to be better.

music to my ears

Here’s another off-kilter example of inspiration:

As I’ve mentioned many times, I’ve been writing songs since I was 19 years old. Out of the hundreds of songs I’ve written, I’ve released 3. Yeah… 3 songs. There’s this gross combination of fear and perfectionism that has disallowed me from sharing more of my music over the years and it’s been a constant struggle to get out of my own way. I’m workin’ on it!

Recently, I discovered that an old friend I’d lost touch with had released some songs on Spotify. As far as I knew, this friend was not a singer or songwriter so I was very intrigued. Upon listening to a few songs I was immediately blown away! They… were… terrible. I mean, baaaaad. And I mean that in my professional opinion as well as a general listener. BAD.

But get this… I don’t think I’ve ever been more creatively inspired. The fact that this guy knows he’s not the best, but still has the ambition and drive to write, record and release his music into the world is so unbelievably inspiring to me. And I’m not being facetious, I truly mean this from the bottom of my heart. I’m inspired by his willingness to share the songs inside of him, and his ability to give zero f!@#’s to judgy jerks like me (ha!) – what a superpower!

Now, it doesn’t matter if my songs are better or worse than this guy’s, or anyone’s – art, while subjective, is meant to be shared, and if he can be brave enough to share what’s in his head and heart through his art, maybe it’s time I stopped sitting on the sidelines and started sharing too—no matter how messy the process might be. Imperfection is part of the journey, after all, right?

living your best life is contagious

You don’t always have to be inspired by something specific, sometimes it’s an attitude more than an action. For example, one of my biggest inspirations is my best friend and hubby, Steve. He’s constantly pushing himself to be a better athlete and healthier human. He wears all the fitness gadgets for all the metrics and is constantly training for nothing in particular other than living a healthy life.

A few weeks ago he completed the Summit 700, a 21km race where you run up and down and across a mountain. Firstly, good for him but f!@# that! Secondly, after he finished, a friend mentioned he should hop into this summer’s Wasaga Beach Triathlon and swim, bike and run his ass off. Now, even though Steve is an accomplished swimmer, an avid long-distance runner, and a former spin instructor, he initially said “no way”. Cut to him buying a road bike and training… and now, tomorrow Steve is participating in his first ever triathlon.

In this case, I’m not inspired to do a triathlon (again, that’s a “helllll no” for me). But I’m extremely inspired by people challenging themselves, and when it hits close to home it’s even better. Steve is happiest when he’s doing anything fitness related, and it lights me up to find and maintain the things that make me happy, too. There’s something magical about witnessing people in their element. It reminds us that we’re all in this together, working towards our own versions of a better life.

inspired = in spirit

Inspiration isn’t just about personal growth; it’s about connecting with others on this wild ride we call life. When we see others doing amazing things, it’s not just a “wow, that’s cool” moment. It’s a reminder of the collective potential we all share. We’re part of something bigger, something special. And when we recognize that, it can lift us out of the daily grind and remind us of what’s possible.

So, whether your inspiration comes from the great or the gritty, let it remind you of your own capabilities. Keep showing up, for yourself and for others. We’re all working towards something incredible, and your inspiration is part of the magic that makes this world a better place.

Remember, whether it’s your inner spark or something outside of yourself that ignites the flame, you’re capable of amazing things. And when you need a little boost, Vortex is here to help you recharge, reconnect, and remember just how special you are.

vibe archives

245 Raglan St. 2nd Floor
collingwood, on

wed-fri  10-7
sat 11-5
sun-mon  10-5


245 Raglan St. 2nd Floor
collingwood, on
l9y 3z1



monday  10-5
tuesday  closed
wednesday  10-7
thursday  10-7
friday  10-7
saturday  11-5
sunday  10-5


gift cards

Gift cards are available for purchase in-studio in any amount.
We’ll give you a nice lil’ card and envelope for it as well. So stop by the studio any time during business hours and we’ll hook you up!

Unfortunately online gift cards are not available at this time, but you can purchase one over the phone and we’ll leave the gift card at the front desk for the recipient.

If you have any questions, please reach out!

Thank you!