Moving your @$$ for mental health

Let's talk about all the mind-body goodness that comes with movement!

It’s your boy Daniel, fresh off a fame-making 8 and a half minutes on Breakfast Television. Since Monday I’ve been batting off film and TV offers left, right and center (have your people call my people) and I can’t even walk down the street without getting recognized. ;)

Of course I’m totally kidding – but it was such a great experience and incredible exposure for Vortex. If you missed it or want to see both segments in full, check it out below.

Click here to watch!

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming: Today I want to chat about something I’m learning in real time: the amazing effects of movement for mental health. We’ve chatted before about the obvious physical benefits of exercise, but let’s dive in a little deeper and discuss how moving these beautiful meat suits of ours can affect our mood and mind. Let’s move…

let’s get physical

Rarely is there a day where I actively want to be active. Staying still is cozy and so much more comfortable, so why the hell would I want to sweat and do hard things?

Firstly, staying active is important for your physical health, we all know that! But these days I’m learning that the real benefit for me is the mental game.

I’ve mentioned before that I was never an athletic kid and only started to slowly tap into my physical self in my 20’s. Previously my motivation for getting in shape was to get a 6-pack in order to get more acting gigs and Instagram followers – gross. Now I see the physical effects as a bonus because I’m noticing some major changes in my mental health as a result of consistent challenge when it comes to exercise.

This past 10 months I’ve been doing CrossFitsomething I didn’t see coming and actively avoided – and I’ve been challenged like never before. At the end of most classes you’ll find me laying on the floor wondering if my lungs are going to explode and my legs are going to fall off – but they don’t – I’ve really started to notice this flood of happy hormones. There’s a lot of mornings when I show up feeling like a  grumpy b!@$# but after the workout I’m peachy keen.

Now, as much as I am not necessarily excited about doing 100 burpees, 75 pull-ups and 50 heavy and squats (or whatever the workout of the day is), there’s something that has shifted in me to see something challenging and show up to do it anyway. And here’s the kicker: I always feel amazing afterward. Half dead, yes, but in a good way.

There’s an unparalleled levelling-up that comes with this sort of challenge. Any time we push ourselves out of our comfort zone and show ourselves what we’re really made of – we’re winning.

energy in motion

There’s something really cool that happens when we get our bodies moving. It’s not just blood flow and muscle pumping – when you get physical, your brain goes into a bit of a party mode, releasing a cocktail of feel-good chemicals like endorphins and serotonin. These are your body’s built-in stress fighters and mood lifters, kind of like nature’s way of giving you a high-five for getting off the couch. Moreover, regular movement helps to simmer down the body’s stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline, turning what could be a mental thunderstorm into a beautiful breeze.

But wait, there’s more! Engaging in regular exercise also promotes neuroplasticity. That’s a fancy way of saying your brain gets better at forming new connections and pathways, making it more resilient to stress and anxiety. It’s like your brain’s version of going from a rusty bike to a slick, well-oiled machine. So, in essence, by moving your body, you’re not just building muscles, you’re gettin’ your brain all buff and sexy, too!

When you’re dealing with emotion (energy in motion) perhaps you’ve noticed the direct effect that movement has on you. It’s pretty remarkable how much it can change your state.

If you’re frustrated or angry, ain’t nothin’ like throwing around some heavy weights or going for a run. If you need grounding or connection, you can roll out a yoga mat and find peace through mindful movement.

The point is, human emotion is energy – and since energy has to live somewhere, it’ll take up space in your brain, bones, biceps or bum until you get it out.

stop exercising. start moving.

Here’s a hot tip: if you get turned off by the term “exercise”, call it movement – it feels less intimidating and more inviting. Our body’s want to move. They’re built to move. They deserve to move.

Try and shift your perspective from physical activity being some sort of burden to an incredible opportunity to transmute energy, calm your mind, release frustration, move stagnant energy, and level up your mental health.

Here’s to moving, shaking, and grooving our way to a brighter, lighter state of being, together.

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sunday  10-5


gift cards

Gift cards are available for purchase in-studio in any amount.
We’ll give you a nice lil’ card and envelope for it as well. So stop by the studio any time during business hours and we’ll hook you up!

Unfortunately online gift cards are not available at this time, but you can purchase one over the phone and we’ll leave the gift card at the front desk for the recipient.

If you have any questions, please reach out!

Thank you!